Today, the governor signed Senate Bill 782, a bill that creates a task force to review the issues associated with a potential apprenticeship requirement for state agencies. Since the 2005 Legislature, bills establishing apprenticeship utilization requirements have been introduced and debated. This session was no different with a number of apprenticeship utilization bills under discussion. AGC supported the establishment of an industry-driven, Bi-Partisan task force that will include broad representation of contractors. Both Board President Tom Gerding and Government Affairs Director John Rakowitz testified multiple times that it was critical to be thoughtful regarding the complexity of this issue and its potential impacts to the industry’s future. A fourteen member task force led by four legislators, one from each party in the House and Senate, will be appointed by the Speaker of the House, the Senate president, and the governor. This task force will make an initial report to the legislature in the 2014 short session.
For more information on the policy, please contact Tom Gerding
For more information on this bill, please contact John Rakowitz, 503-317-1781.