AGC's Safety Management Team
We employ a team of eight safety professionals across the state that provides a wealth of expertise in safety and health related services unequaled in the construction industry. The safety management consultant (SMC) team specializes in construction safety and is dedicated to accident prevention, program development, cultural shift through continuous improvement, and working with you to maximize your return on your safety investment.
Safety Management Services
We support our members in accomplishing safety goals through many various programs, services, activities, and resources. AGC is an industry leader, providing professional expertise, creative solutions, relevant focused training, and value-added tools and resources to give you a competitive advantage and help develop, maintain, and improve sound safety solutions.
- General consultation for management best practices
- Policy and program development
- Training – customized and onsite training to meet your specific needs
- Site safety survey and support
- Pre-job safety planning and site visits
- Access to free Safety Meeting App
Industrial Hygiene Services
To support the challenging occupational health-related safety issues of the construction industry (noise, silica, lead, asbestos, chemical and coating exposures, and other environmental challenges), our team includes a certified industrial hygienist and safety technician.
- Training and educating employees on job related risks such as silica, dust, noise, asbestos, respiratory, lead
- Conducting scientific research and providing data on possible harmful conditions in the workplace
- Air monitoring surveys
- Noise dosimetry exposure monitoring
- Investigating and examining workplace hazards
Training & Certifications
AGC offers numerous safety training and certification programs designed to help contractors improve safety and reduce accidents, meet OSHA requirements, and fulfill the education needs of the construction industry. Training courses are offered in a variety of methods: live classroom, online, and on demand.
Safety Awards
These prestigious awards and the public recognition that comes with them help propel AGC towards its goal of enhancing the public image of AGC and its members. Our award programs provide the opportunity to document achievements in safety, receive well-deserved recognition in the industry, and provide a competitive advantage.
The Recognition of Safety Excellence (ROSE) Award recognizes chapter members who demonstrate safety excellence.
AGC of America’s Construction Safety Excellence Award recognizes construction companies with outstanding safety, health, and risk management programs.
AGC’s Safety PRIDE (Program Recognition Indicating Dedication & Excellence) designation recognizes members who are innovative industry leaders in safety and work to continuously improve.
Safety & Health Council
Members of the council share ideas, provide educational opportunities, and discuss problems affecting the safety and well-being of employees throughout the industry. The council also provides resources to promote a safety and health culture within the construction community. Contact Mark Spring for more information.
Safety Team
Need safety advice or expertise? Give us a call. AGC safety management consultants manage an assigned book of business, generally based on geographic location around the state, and our industrial hygiene team covers the entire state. Contact a consultant in your area, or contact the AGC office for a referral. We are here to help!
Nathan Taylor, CSP, CHST
Safety Management Consultant
Northern Willamette Valley, I84 Corridor to Pendleton
Andrew Johnson, CSP, CHST, CRIS
Safety Management Consultant
Southern and Eastern Oregon, Oregon City
Alden Strealy, MS, CIH, CSP
Director of Safety Services
Rob Roloson
Safety Management Consultant/Industrial Hygienist
Mid-West Oregon (Eugene, Albany, Corvallis, coast), Statewide IH
Holt Andron, CSP, CHST
Safety Management Consultant
Portland Metro West, NW Oregon (Astoria coastal area)
Brenda Pittman, CIH, CSP
Certified Industrial Hygienist
Mark Spring, CSP
Safety Management Consultant
Portland East, SW Washington/Vancouver
Amy Borne
Safety Assistant
Become a Member
Experience the many benefits of membership with AGC…contact us today!
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Fusce Magna
Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.