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Resource Type: Industry Issues

Indoor Mask Mandate Will End March 12

[Updated Feb 28] Gov. Kate Brown announced that the state’s indoor mask mandate for employers and public spaces will end March. 12. Just last week, the state had announced that

Washington State Changes to COVID Requirements

[February 17] COVID-19 trends give leaders confidence to look towards next phase of pandemic response With dropping hospitalization rates, improving vaccination rates, and broad access to masks and tests, Gov. Jay

Indoor Mask Mandate Coming to an End

On February 7, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced it will end the indoor mask mandate in public places by March 31, 2022. OHA also stated they would consider lifting

AGC of America Summary and Explanation of ETS

AGC of America Summary and Explanation of ETS [Nov 9] The AGC of America has prepared a document that summarizes and explains the OSHA COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary

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