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What Breakout Sessions will you be attending Friday, August 12?

2016 AGC Summer Convention
Sunriver Resort Ι Sunriver, Oregon
August 11–13


If You’re Not First, You’re Last!checkered flags



 Presented byAG Sadowski

Friday, August 12 is packed full with wide range of top notch breakout sessions!



Cal Beyer of Lakeside Industries will speak on Safety 24/7: The Journey Toward Exceptional Safety Culture and Performance. Learn how the Safety 24/7 vision wins the hearts and minds of employees, supervisors, and managers; drives safety culture development; and leads to superior performance. 9:45–10:45 am

Risk Management

Erin Bullard of CNA Surety, Tracy Allen of AKT LLP, and Angela Otto of Ball Janik, LLP will speak on Success on the Track: Don’t Overlook Your Pit Crew.  Learn how to evaluate risks as they relate to your financial bottom line, bonding capacity, long term business relationships, and your reputation. 9:45–10:45 am

Professional Development

Bethanne Kronick of Simplify! will speak on How To Take Control of Your Time and Get More Out of Life! Learn how to make better time choices to find you productivity sweet spots, avoid the common productivity trap of multitasking, and utilize valuable strategies to manage email and electronic overload. 9:45–10:45 am


Dawn Rasmussen of Pathfinder Writing and Career Services will speak on Talent Wars: Which Side Are You On?  Learn how having a strong mentoring, leadership development, and succession planning process can help you grow the future leaders of the company. 11:00 am–12:00 pm

Best Business Practices

Bob Kelly of Northside Ford Truck Sales and DeMond Sylvas of Telogis will speak on How Can I Make My Fleet Contribute to My Bottom Line? Learn about current trends in the vehicle industry, expand your knowledge on trucks and vans, and gain a better understanding of telematics and how they can work for you. 11:00 am–12:00 pm

Judy Betts, an independent consultant formerly with Hamilton Construction, and past chair of the Small Business Growth Opportunity Council, will speak on Overcoming Obstacles: Best Practices for Subcontractors, General Contractors, and Public Agencies. General vontractors will come away with a  better understanding of concerns common to small subcontractors, and subcontractors will come away with a better understanding of common concerns of general or higher-tiered subcontractors. 11:00 am–12:00 pm


Jeremy Vermilyea of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt will speak on The Changing World of Alternative Contracting. Learn the the mechanics of several of the most prominent and trending alternative methods and how each alternative approach changes the risk profile for owners, contractors, specialty contractors and design professionals. 11:00 am–12:00 pm

For more on the Summer Convention breakout sessions visit the web page.

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