Take Action on the Greatest Threat to Construction Industry—Union and Open-Shop
Take action now and tell your members of Congress and President Biden to oppose the misleadingly-named “Protecting the Right to Organize” Act (PRO) Act (H.R. 842/S. 420), as the House of Representatives is anticipated to vote on it the week of March 8. The PRO Act would provide unions with additional and significant economic weapons without regard to their detrimental impact on workers, employers—union and open-shop—and the economy. If enacted, the PRO Act would, among other things, eliminate all prohibitions on picketing against any employer, even those having nothing to do with a labor dispute; impose a “backdoor card check” exception to employees’ well-established right to a secret ballot election; effectively repeal 27 states’ Right-to-Work laws; and impose mandatory third-party arbitration in which a union and employer do not reach agreement, undermining the collective bargaining process. To contact your federal officials and for more information, click here.
AGCA Podcast
As a following up to yesterday’s townhall session with chapters, AGCA released a new PRO Act podcast.
During this episode, AGC’s CEO Stephen Sandherr explains exactly HOW and WHY this bill has potential to cause significant disruption in the construction industry, both for firms and the workers they employ, and upset the delicate balance of rights and restrictions established over decades by the NLRB, courts, and Congress.