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OSU Wins National Student Chapter Award

AGCA_bugThe Associated General Contractors of America received applications from exceptional student chapters across the country. Each of the student chapters demonstrated a strong portfolio showing dedication to their community and public service projects. Three applications in particular stood out from the others and AGC of America is happy to announce the first, second and third place winners of the 2015 AGC Outstanding Student Chapter Contest:

  • First Place: Iowa State University, AGC Student Chapter
  • Second Place: Oregon State University Associated General Contractors
  • Third Place: California State University, Chico AGC Student Chapter

About Oregon State University Student Chapter

Smaller OSUThe Oregon State University Associated General Contractors student chapter won $750 for its unique focus and fusion of workforce development programs and service. The student chapter created the first high school AGC student chapter in the nation at ACE Academy in Portland, Oregon. The Oregon State Student Chapter helped ACE Academy create a constitution, a calendar of events, and expand their membership. OSU AGC student chapter members were also able to give back to students in primary school through an event called Winter Wanderings, sponsored by Oregon State University. The student chapter reached out to middle school students to teach them about the construction industry through building games and other programming. Oregon State University Associated General Contractors student chapter completed service projects including donating food to their local youth homeless shelter, partnering with Habitat for Humanity on home-build and landscaping projects, and worked with their local AGC chapter and design firms to assist with designing and building a surgical center in Haiti—an on-going project in its third year.

AGC of America extends its sincere congratulations to the winners of the 2015 AGC Outstanding Student Chapter Contest and thanks all of those who participated but were not chosen. To take a look at the projects completed by this year’s winners, please visit the student chapter website for more information.

Remember to check out our chapter Facebook page and twitter account at @AGCA_Students if you haven’t already.  Please make sure you like, follow and share to spread the word! We hope you utilize these tools to share the amazing community service, projects and experiences that you are gaining from being a part of AGC.

Registration for the 97th AGC of America Convention is open! AGCA Convention will be held March 9–11, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, Texas. Students and educators can register at a special discounted rate of $150 for students and $250 for faculty. Student chapters will meet on March 9, 2016 at 3 pm. This is a good opportunity to meet with other student chapters, network, and learn from leaders in the construction industry. Students and educators who would like to register for convention (but who don’t have AGCA accounts through should go through the student and faculty AGCA Convention registration process and toward the end of registration enter the discount codes STUDENT16 or FACULTY16 into the shopping cart under vouchers. (Please note: the discount does not apply to the “additional ticketed events” that charge an additional fee for attendance.)

Finally, the National AGCA CLC is fundraising to support the AGC Scholarship fund which supports the industry’s future leaders—you!  Help spread the word by sharing their fundraising page with family and friends.

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