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Join the COVID-19 Safety Stand-Down on 4/9

Join AGC and your fellow construction contractors across the country on April 9, 2020 for a national safety stand-down dedicated to educating employees on preventing the spread of COVID-19.

One of the defining characteristics of the commercial construction industry is your unwavering commitment to the safety and health of every construction worker. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, your workers and the American public are relying on you to continue that commitment to safety.

It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no margin for error when it comes to protecting your workforce and the public from the spread of the coronavirus. That is why we are asking you to join with AGC of America members across the country on Thursday, April 9 in holding coronavirus safety stand downs at your job sites.

These stand downs will provide an opportunity for you to make sure that everyone working on your job sites understands, and follows, all relevant safety guidelines provided by public health and safety officials.

We are also asking you to let us know if you plan to participate in the stand down, how many workers will be involved, and if you would be willing to allow the media to observe your stand downs. AGCA has prepared some tips for job sites if media attends a stand down.

Make no mistake, the first priority of these stand downs is to protect your workers. But we also have an obligation to reassure the public that the construction industry is doing its part to protect all of us from the spread of the coronavirus. These are challenging times. But we know that if there is any group of people that can overcome the challenges we face, it is contractors.

COVID-19 Safety Stand-Down


The COVID-19 National Safety Stand-Down is an opportunity for employers to discuss COVID-19 with employees, particularly the importance of understanding and following all applicable public safety and health guidelines.


Any workplace can hold a stand-down by gathering their workforce for 10–15 minutes, or more, reviewing the toolbox talk(s) prepared by AGC (see below), or their own, and allowing time for discussion and questions.


We encourage you to share your safety stand-down! Please click here to share details of your stand-down with AGC. In addition, share your stories and photos on social media with the hashtag #COVID19SafetyStandDown

NOTE: During the stand-down, employers should continue to observe the current recommendations for social distancing by separating their workforce into groups of 10 or less people and maintaining a minimum of 6 feet between persons.

Support Materials


ToolBox Talks

AGC has developed a series of toolbox talks and posters to assist with your stand-down event.

Stop the Spread – Protecting Yourself and Others

Keeping Construction Jobsites Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stress & Coping with COVID-19


Stop the Spread


Stay Home From Work

Stay Home From Work Spanish

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