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Donations Needed for CTE Center in Salem

Salem-Keizer School District Career Technical Education Center

A Public-Private Partnership

CTEC Salem-KeizerThe Mountain West Career Technical Institute (MWCTI) has entered into a partnership with the Salem-Keizer School District to develop and operate CTEC. Together, they will ensure students are joining the workforce with the skills and training employers are seeking.

MWCTI has purchased a 150,000 square foot facility in northeast Salem and will renovate and equip the facility to house ten different CTE programs of study. The estimated total project budget is $12 million.

The Salem-Keizer School District, in partnership with MWCTI, will develop the curriculum, recruit and register students, hire faculty and staff, provide transportation, and cover ongoing operating costs. CTEC programs will align with high school graduation requirements as well as industry certifications and standards.

A CTEC Advisory Committee comprised of school district leadership, higher education community stakeholders, and  industry representatives will advise and align programs to meet industry and educational needs. The committee plays a key role in the long term development and sustainability of CTEC.

Industry-specific committees will be established for each program of study. Members will contribute their expertise to shape the content of specific strands. They, in addition to other industry partners, may provide apprenticeships, internships, industry certificates, mentoring, college credit, and cash or in-kind donations.

Top 10 High-Demand/High-Wage JobsCTE Works for Business

The skilled trades are the hardest jobs to fill in the United States, with recent data citing over a million jobs opening in the manufacturing, trade, transportation, and utilities sectors.

  • Twelve of the 20 fastest growing occupations are in health care and require an associate degree or less.
  • STEM occupations such as environmental engineering technicians require an associate degree and will experience faster than average job growth.
  • Middle-skill jobs, jobs that require education and training beyond high school but less than a bachelor’s degree, are a significant part of the economy. Of the 55 million job openings created by 2020, 30 percent will require some college or a two-year associate degree.

CTE Works for High School Students

High school students involved in CTE are more engaged, perform better, and graduate at higher rates.

  • 81 percent of dropouts say relevant, real-world learning opportunities would have kept them in high school.
  • The average high school graduation rate for students concentrating in CTE programs is 90.2 percent, compared to an average national freshman graduation rate of 74.9 percent.
  • More than 70 percent of secondary CTE concentrators pursued post-secondary education shortly after high school.

CTE Works for College Students and Adults

Post-secondary CTE fosters post-secondary completion and prepares students and adults for in-demand careers.

  • A person with a CTE-related associate degree or credential will earn an average between $4,000 and $19,000 more a year than a person with a humanities associate degree.
  • Four out of five secondary CTE graduates who pursued post-secondary education after high school had earned a credential or were still enrolled two years later.

Please join the effort to build a national model that will change the economic and workforce landscape of Oregon.

Construction Equipment Needed!

Click here for a list of the equipment needed for CTEC. Items include:

  • Saw blades
  • Saws
  • Tool cabinets
  • Tool sets
  • Nailers
  • Compressors
  • Ladders
  • Harnesses
  • Lanyards
  • Laser Levels
  • First aid kits
  • Storage racks
  • Safety supplies
  • Scales
  • Drills
  • Work benches
  • Metal cabinets
  • Hammers
  • Squares
  • Chisels
  • Scrapers
  • Hardhats
  • Toolbelts
  • Vests
  • Rain gear
  • Alumapole supplies


Chuck Lee, president
Mountain West Career Technical Institute
201 Ferry Street SE #400
Salem, OR 97301

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