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The City of Portland’s Structural Engineering Advisory Committee Needs You!

The Bureau of Development Services, City of Portland is seeking volunteers to serve on its Structural Engineering Advisory Committee.  

The Structural Engineering Advisory Committee consists of six members licensed in Oregon to practice structural engineering. Members are appointed to a three-year term by the mayor and approved by City Council.

The Structural Engineering Advisory Committee advises the director of the Bureau of Development Services or his/her designee and/or the Appeals Board in structural matters relative to reasonable interpretation and to alternate materials and methods of construction. Members of the committee possess demonstrative experience related to general practice of structural engineering and seismic design in high seismic areas, rehabilitation of existing buildings and use of ASCE 41 or other similar documents, experience related to use of alternate materials or technology, and generally have experience serving on other structural engineering boards and committees at the national and/or local levels.

There are currently six vacancies on the Structural Engineering Advisory Committee.

Interested persons possessing the necessary experience are encouraged to apply.

Applications should be submitted to the Office of Neighborhood Involvement at 1120 SW 4th Ave, Suite 110, Portland OR 97204, along with the Interest Form for City Board & Commission Appointments (application form), a cover letter describing the applicant’s interest and a resume describing the applicant’s background and experience.

Applications must be submitted by Dec. 31, 2017.

The Interest Form for City Board & Commission Appointments and additional information on how to apply may be accessed through the ONI website at or

For more information about the Structural Engineering Advisory Committee you may contact Amit Kumar with Bureau of Development Services at 503-823-7561, or

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