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Enter a Team in Canstruction

2016 Canstruction Call for Entries

Over 1,000,000 meals raised by Canstruction Portland!

This is what the design community of Portland has donated to fight hunger in the metropolitan area over the last 19 years. Yet, we are not done, because our community has an on-going need. Oregon Food Bank serves 270,000 people in need every month!

One in six Oregonians face food insecurity. They struggle silently and make heart-wrenching decisions that nobody should have to make.”

Quote taken from Oregon Food Bank “Voices 2015” brochure.

We CAN help. Canstruction uniquely speaks to the public by highlighting the growing food challenge in Portland and the surrounding communities. Our structures dramatically illustrate the volume of need: just imagine, one CANstructure consisting of 5,000 cans will feed 70 families for 4 days.

Great designers are inspired; they understand the scope of the demands; they use quality materials; they budget well. We use these tools every day, the same tools needed for building a great CANstructure to visually exemplify the tremendous need. Canstruction is intriguing, anyone can stack cans—they are like big Legos; it’s fun for the whole family!

You are invited to take a role in raising funds and food for Oregon Food Bank. CANstructures have the unique ability to reach the community-at-large visually inspiring public awareness.

Join the some 95 firms who have teamed-up to build 153 structures over the past 19 years in the on-going effort to stamp out hunger in Oregon!

Click here for a flyer.

Canstruction Kickoff Meeting

April 19
5:30–6:30 pm
DOWA-IBI Group, 907 SW Stark Street, Portland


  • April 19: Kickoff Meeting
  • April 29: Deadline for Entry
  • September 12: Structure Build Out
  • September 18: De-canstruction

See the Call for Entries or contact us at

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