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Category: In the News

Contractors Feeling Workforce Pinch

Nationwide survey finds 86 percent of contractors have difficulty filling key craft and salaried jobs as demand for construction increases All 21 Crafts in Survey are in Short Supply at

Workplace Safety Training Grants Available

Oregon OSHA is accepting applications for the development of innovative workplace safety and health training programs. Unique projects such as mobile apps, videos, or online educational games to engage workers

U.S. Construction Unemployment Hits 14-Year Low

Construction Unemployment Falls to 14-Year Low as Employment Hits Highest Mark Since 2009; Data Point to Looming Worker Shortage, Officials Warn Despite increase in July, industry’s job growth has slowed

Are You Doing Great Things in Your Community?

The application site for the national AGC in the Community Award is now live! AGC members who meet the competition requirements are encouraged to apply online for some much-deserved recognition. AGC

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