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Author: Karla Holland

Oregon Contractors Take Top National Honors

Several chapter members received awards at the AGC of America national convention held in Las Vegas, Nev. last week. In addition to our members receiving safety awards, the following members

Chapter Members Win Big in Vegas

All Four Chapter Member are Winners in the CSEA Finals in Vegas Construction Safety and Excellent Awards were recently announced at the AGC of America Annual Convention in Las Vegas,

End of Short Session Coming Soon

Apprenticeship Bills Goes to the Governor The short February legislative session continues its march toward the finish line, with the constitutional deadline of March 9th drawing closer. This week the

ODOT Proposes DBE Goal

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2014–2016 Notice of Proposed DBE Goal: ODOT proposes an overall DBE goal of 12.29% for Federal Highway Administration-funded projects for FFY

2014 Legislative Session First Deadline Passed

Thursday February 13 marked the first big deadline for bills to “live” or “die” in the 2014 short session. As always, the range of bills potentially impacting our industry is

AGC / ODOT Annual Meeting – February 18

Tuesday, February 18 8:00 am–2:30 pm Salem Conference Center 200 Commercial St SE, Salem The AGC/ODOT Annual Meeting offers contractors the opportunity to meet and network with representatives of the

Apprenticeship Bill Passes Oregon House

Today, on only the third day of Oregon’s short legislative session, a bill of considerable interest to AGC passed out of the House. House Bill 4058 addresses the addition of apprenticeship

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