Girls. Power. Tools.
Building Girls 2013 Summer Construction Camps Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.’s Building Girls program helps fill a critical gap for young women by offering ways to explore the variety of exciting, high-paying
24-Hour Fall
Space Entry
Confined Space,
& Excavation
Crane Rigging &
Fall Protection
& Scaffold
First Aid
Safety Training
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Building Girls 2013 Summer Construction Camps Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.’s Building Girls program helps fill a critical gap for young women by offering ways to explore the variety of exciting, high-paying
The unemployment rate for construction workers fell to the lowest April level in five years as contractors added more than 150,000 employees in the past year despite a dip in
AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter member Kenneth R. Triplett (May 31, 1952–April 22, 2013), principal at Triplett Wellman Contractors, died late Monday evening April 22, at his home following a brief illness
Be sure to check your mail for the Personnel Administration Services (PAS) Merit Shop Wage survey. Please be sure to get your responses in by May 31, 2013. All members
Two students from Salem Academy in Salem took home first-place honors and $500 for their video titled Safety: The Musical promoting young worker safety and health. Austin Coburn and Vinny
Josephine County Sportsman Association Gun Range, Grants Pass August 24, 2013 8:30 am–6:30 pm AGC Fundraiser for the Rogue Community College Construction Technology Program Handgun, rifle, trap, skeet, and archery—
Save the Date! FHWA / ODOT DBE Program Training Opportunity for Contractors (Prime and Sub) and State and Local Agency Project Staff June 19, 2013 The Oregon Department of Transportation
Dozer Day is less than one month away and they need your help! May 18 & 19 Watch a great video on how to become a volunteer at Dozer Day
Two-thirds of Americans oppose increasing gas taxes, even if it means the revenue would go toward improving roads and bridges, a new poll shows. Sixty-six percent of those surveyed say
Thirty-eight percent of highway contractors had motor vehicles crash into their construction work zones during the past year, according to the results of a new highway work zone study conducted