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Author: Karla Holland

MSHA Seasonal Safety Alert

During the fall, many intermittent mines are preparing for the winter season and performing annual shutdown or repair activities. During this time miners may be performing new or unfamiliar tasks,

Construction and Oregon’s Economy

Construction Accounts for $8 Billion of Oregon’s Economy in 2014 Report from Associated General Contractors of America shows continued economic growth and rising wages in construction Oregon’s construction industry accounted

Do You Drive Distracted? Who’s Watching?

A survey conducted by the National Safety Council revealed that even though 88 percent of parents say they are role models for driving, 91 percent of them practice distracted driving

Safety Week 2015: May 3–9

Many Roles, One Goal: Building Safety Together! Every year, more than 80,000 workers suffer an injury on construction job sites across the nation. Any one incident is one too many.

AGC’s 2015 Mid-Session Report

Last week, the 2015 Legislative Session reached its first crucial deadline. Most bills not voted on as of last Tuesday’s self-imposed deadline are likely not moving forward in this session.

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