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Author: Karla Holland

Action-Packed 2015 Legislative Session is Upon Us

The Oregon Legislature convened today to mark the beginning of what promises to be an action-packed 2015 Legislative Session.  Known as “Organizational Days,” this three-day meeting begins with the traditional

ODOT Disparity Study Public Meetings

ODOT is conducting a study that will analyze whether minority- and women-owned businesses have equal access to contracting opportunities within Oregon’s transportation contracting industry and with ODOT’s own contracts. Keen

Chapter Members Receive Safety Awards

Three Chapter Members Win Big at 2015 GOSH Conference Fifteen leaders in safety and health were honored with awards at the 2015 Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health (GOSH) Conference

OP-ED: State-mandated paid sick leave worrisome

This column originally appeared in The Daily Journal of Commerce in Buildings Bridges and Roads By: Mike Salsgiver The 2015 Oregon legislative session opened last month at an almost unprecedented

Join AGC at the OAME Tradeshow & Luncheon

OAME announces the Pacific Northwest’s largest minority, women, and emerging small business luncheon and tradeshow OAME is presenting its 27th Annual Luncheon and Trade Show Thursday, May 7, 2015 beginning

Rapping About Ergonomics??

Rap video on ergonomics goes live SAIF may have just created the world’s first rap video on office ergonomics. The video is part of the debut of SAIF’s all-new safety

Donations Needed for CTE Center in Salem

Salem-Keizer School District Career Technical Education Center A Public-Private Partnership The Mountain West Career Technical Institute (MWCTI) has entered into a partnership with the Salem-Keizer School District to develop and

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