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Author: Karla Holland

Genie Lift Recall Notice

Genie Recall: Control System Malfunction Models Affected GS-3232 GS-4047 X-14 Issue Genie has determined that the control system utilized on the referenced machines can malfunction. A malfunctioning control system can

Construction Jobs Jump 58,000 in February

Construction employment increased by 58,000 jobs in February to the highest level since November 2008 with gains in both residential and nonresidential segments, according to an analysis of new government

2017 TopProjects Finalists Announced by DJC

2017 TopProjects Finalists Announced by DJC The Daily Journal of Commerce has named more than 90 finalists for the 2017 TopProjects awards competition recognizing the most outstanding projects completed last

Help Send Oregon State CEM Students to Reno

Greetings, Friends of OSU CEM! The Oregon State University Construction Engineering Management Program is currently seeking sponsorships for this year’s Associated Schools of Construction “Reno” Student Competition. Please let Lauren

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