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Author: Karla Holland

Miller Nash LLP’s 2021 Employment Law Seminar

Miller Nash LLP is pleased to announce the date of our virtual half-day 2021 Employment Law Seminar: Wednesday, December 8 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT. Our Employment Law and Labor Relations

NEW Member Media Library

Did you know as a member you have access to recordings of past events? Our Member Media Library is a hub for recordings, PowerPoints, and more! You can find recordings

Santiam Shed Build Project

In September of 2020, the Beachie Creek fire devastated the Santiam region, severely affecting the cities of Detroit, Gates, Mill City, and Sweet Home. Many people lost their homes and

Ball Janik Partner Spotlight: Angie Otto

We are pleased to feature longtime AGC-OR member, Angela M. Otto, who served as Counsel to the Board from 2015–2020. Angie is a Partner with the law firm of Ball

OSU Student Survey on Drone Use in Construction

Request on behalf of Yiye Xu, Ph.D. student in Construction Engineering Management and Yelda Turkan, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Construction Engineering Greetings friends / industry partners /

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