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Author: Karla Holland

Join Us at the Safety Awards Luncheon

The 2013 Oregon-Columbia Chapter Safety Awards Luncheon, sponsored by SAIF Corporation, will be held on Friday, January 18 at the Salem Conference Center. Don’t miss this opportunity to join us

2013 Oregon GOSH Conference Coming to Portland

Registration open for largest safety and health event in Northwest Registration is now open for the Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health (GOSH) Conference, to be held March 4–7 at

We Have a New LCC at AGC

The Oregon-Columbia Chapter is pleased to introduce Kevin Wheatcroft as the newest member of the safety and loss control team. Kevin comes to us from Oregon Iron Works, where he

Busy Week in the Capitol

Last week, the Oregon Legislature convened for the last time before the 2013 session kicks off in January.  Both House and Senate committees began introducing committee bills on a wide

2012 AGC Toy Drive

    Donations are pouring in!  Thank you to the CAF-Union Contractors of AGC and AGC chapter administration for their generous donations.  These toys will bring smiles to children in need

Support for I-5 Bridge Gains Momentum

It has been a big week for the five-mile Columbia River Crossing project as support for the project gains momentum.  Monday December 3 in front of hundreds of private and

Safety Video Contest Opens to Oregon Students

Win Cash for Creative Safety Messages The Oregon Young Employee Safety Coalition (O[yes]), Oregon OSHA, SAIF Corporation, American Society of Safety Engineers, Liberty Northwest, the Greater Portland Construction Partnership, the

Annual Business Meeting

Don’t wait! Friday, November 30 is the deadline to receive the early bird registration rate for the AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter Annual Business Meeting. This year the meeting will be held

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