Nomination of Occupational Division Officers for 2015
Each year, the AGC of America president appoints Nominating Committees for all four of AGCA’s occupational divisions. These committees bear the responsibility for nominating division officers for 2015. The chairs of the nominating committees are requesting recommendations for division officers (chair and vice chair) for 2015.
Qualified members can be nominated from your own or any other chapter.
It is important for AGCA to select the best qualified people for these leadership positions. The AGCA bylaws require the AGC president, senior vice president, vice president, and treasurer to have prior service as a division chair. It is, however, customary for the vice chair of each division to move up to the position of chair. The respective nominating committees will report their recommendations to the divisions in the fall of 2014.
Send NominationsTo:
Please send your nominations to Mike Salsgiver, Oregon-Columbia Chapter executive director. Nominations should be received by Wednesday, August 6.
- Email:
- Fax: 503-682-1696
[hr]Nomination of AGC of America Officers for 2015
The chair of the Nominating Committee for National Officers is requesting recommendations for national officers for 2015.
The committee will act on all recommendations in the late summer. They will be mindful of guidance that the Board of Directors approved in 1977. That guidance provides for the following:
- the nomination of national officers based on the availability of the most qualified candidate;
- sufficient advance notice to potential nominees to enable them to arrange their company affairs so they can devote the time needed for their terms as national officers;
- that nominees not be selected from the same occupational classification in succeeding years; and
- recognition of the need for a reasonable representation of all the occupational divisions among the national officers.
You are welcome to recommend members of either your own or any other chapter. Traditionally the senior vice president has advanced to the office of president, and the vice president has advanced to the office of senior vice president. The national bylaws provide that all nominees for the office of president, senior vice president, and vice president “shall have served as the chair of an occupational division. The treasur4er shall have prior service as the chair of an occupational division or be a regular member with prior service as the chair of the Specialty Contractors Council.”
Currently, the national officers of the association are:
- President: Alan L. Landes, Herzog Contracting Corp. (Federal & Heavy Construction Division)
- Senior vice president: Charles Greco, Linbeck Group, LLC (Building Division)
- Vice president: Mark Knight, Foothills Contracting, Inc. (Highway & Transportation Division)
- Treasurer: Eric Wilson, Hensel Phelps Construction Co. (Federal & Heavy Construction Division)
The following is a list of the four occupational divisions:
- Building Division
- Federal and Heavy Construction Division
- Highway and Transportation Division
- Utility Infrastructure Division
The Nominating Committee has a total of nine members:
- Joseph H. Jarboe, Chair
- Ted Aadland
- Paul Diederich
- Eric Hedlund
- Mike Hoover
- Mike Morrand
- J. Doug Pruitt
- Kristine Young
- Joel Zingeser
Please include a summary of your reasons for recommending a member for national office and any information that may support your recommendation(s).
Send Nominations To:
Please send your nominations to Mike Salsgiver, Oregon-Columbia Chapter executive director. Nominations should be received by Wednesday, August 6.
- Email:
- Fax: 503-682-1696