Davis Bacon: Understanding, Influencing, and Complying with Federal Prevailing Wage Requirements
Understanding and complying with the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) is no simple task. Yet failure to do so puts your company at risk for catastrophic consequences — from high-dollar penalties to debarment. Whether you’re new to federal contract compliance or just could use a refresher course and update, this two-part webinar series will provide you with valuable information to help you avoid those risks. It will also help you understand your rights to influence and challenge the wage-and-benefits requirements that affect your firm.
December 5, 2013 | 10–11:30 am
Part 1 will cover DBRA coverage and specific compliance issues, such as “site of the work” and truck driver issues, qualifying fringe benefits, coverage of survey crews, certified payroll requirements, apprentices and trainees, and lodging and transportation expenses.
December 10, 2013 | 10–11:30 am
Part 2 will cover wage determinations, including the survey process used to establish them, how to effectively influence the outcome of that process, finding and interpreting wage determinations, applying the correct classification, what to do if a classification is missing, and how to seek reconsideration of a wage determination.
Register for JUST the two-part webinar, or bundle in the Davis-Bacon Compliance Manual for just $50 more!
$149 for AGC members, $179 for non-members