Second Annual Construction Safety Week Kick Off Breakfast
May 1
7–9:30 am
World Forestry Center, Portland
Sponsored by SafeBuild Alliance
Every year, more than 80,000 workers suffer an injury on construction job sites across the U.S.
Any one incident is too many. Life is too precious to not make safety a continuous focus.
Being safe every day on every job site crosses competitive boundaries. This kick off event is an opportunity to increase awareness of the importance of being committed to safety every day and to inspire all of us to share best practices and work together to strengthen our industry’s safety culture.
This breakfast meeting features a presentation by Mike Parnell, a world class subject expert in cranes, rigging, and load handling. Parnell is the technical director and CEO of Industrial Training International and serves on multiple ASME and CSA Crane and Rigging Standard Committees. Parnell will challenge attendees to evaluate how hazards, risks, and unfamiliar tasks have been handled by past generations and how today’s employees and organizations need to earnestly recognize their strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve project success while lowering risks.
Attendees will be invited to personally commit to make every effort to make all projects they work on injury free.
Capitol Safety, the meeting sponsor, will provide a fall protection and self rescue demonstration immediately following the meeting.
The mission of SafeBuild Alliance is to provide support for and encourage highly collaborative and innovative cultures to achieve incident-free workplaces.